I am a mother of two and a wife of one. The most important thing to me is my family and my number one goal is to have a healthy world for my children to live in. This blog is a place where I can organize my thoughts and beliefs about various topics, and hopefully help others become more aware of the world in which we live.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The First Post

I'm sitting here trying to figure out how to write a post for this new blog I've decided to create.  How many times will I write a sentence and then delete it and start over? I don't even know where to begin.  I guess I'll start with the number one thing that started me on my journey to becoming the person I am today.  It was a book actually....a life changing book.  Don't Eat This Book by Morgan Spurlock.  I don't know why I ever decided to pick that book up in the store and buy it. I remember calling my older sister up and reading her gross quotes (I'll spare you.....for now).  At the time I did it to disgust her and make myself laugh, but by the end of the book I wasn't laughing. I was so grossed out and haven't eaten a McDonald's burger since. Not that I was ever a huge fan of the burgers, but I would occasionally eat one without giving it a second thought.

A few years later I got married and became pregnant with my first child.  I joined an online mom's group with IVillage and was amazed to learn about things I had never even thought about. Eating organic, "going green", homemade baby food, to vaccinate or not to vaccinate, to circumcise or not to circumcise, chemicals in your home, and the list goes on.  After my son H was born I became even more interested in learning all that I could do to make his world healthy and safe.  I had never known love like that and was determined to make his environment a better one. I slowly began reading more about food and became aware of how important it is to read labels and know exactly what you are putting into your body.  I couldn't believe the person I was turning into. I never paid attention to labels or food before I had my son.  I had no idea what all the different terminology meant. Farmed fish? Wild Fish? Free Range? Air Chilled? Vegetarian Fed? "All Natural"? Organic? "Grass Fed? Huh????? I felt like I was constantly reading and researching anything I could find so I could become more educated about our surroundings.  

I decided to start this blog as a place where I can talk about what's most important to me and every parent I know: the health of their children (and themselves!).  I won't only be blogging about food, although currently that's my biggest concern/interest.  I'll also talk about general kid and family things: ways to save money, family activities in my area, green tips, etc.  I hope you'll find the posts interesting and hopefully you can learn a few things, or teach me a few things!

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